
A Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness for Students

Why Is Mindfulness Meditation For Students Important?

In a world where algorithms are constantly pushing 15-second videos that are widening attention-deficit issues, and over saturating our kid’s minds with incorrect information, false body standards, and violent posts, meditation and mindfulness are surely a wonderful way to offset some of these harsh consequences. Mindfulness meditation for students and young children gives them the pause they need from the loud background noise of their phones and busy schedules and works as a psychological reset. If you are a teacher, then mindfulness meditation for students is a great tool to help them be in tune with their schoolwork, especially at a time when we are back to Zoom School due to Omicron. It also helps improve concentration and increase the attention span of school kids, something that we surely need right now! Interested in introducing this? Here are some guidelines that you can follow– 

When talking about mindfulness meditation for students, it is important to remember just that- they are students and still learning a new skill. Do not rush to host a 30-minute session of strict meditation and respect them to learn it in a day because it is not as easy as it sounds on the surface. Instead of making it a fixed rule, encourage your kids or students to start their day with a quick 2-minute meditation and mindful breathing exercise and then keep elongating the time to a level that is comfortable for them to implement in their routines daily. 

For anything to have the desired effect, people should be able to relate to it. This rings true for mindfulness meditation for students as well. The best way to introduce this subject to them is in a way that they can understand whatever they are doing- if it is meditation, introduce this to young children as a game or as a fun activity before their classwork. This is really going to help build a positive attitude around meditation in children. You can ask them to close their eyes and think about their favorite food or book as a starter and then introduce a couple of breathing exercises to go along with it. 

Mindfulness Meditation for students needs to have a purpose. Students should understand why they should include this as a part of their day. For example, if you are choosing to introduce mindfulness meditation for students explain to them with an example of situations when their concentrations have fluctuated or that their attention deficit has affected their work. Make them understand that such a problem exists and how mindfulness meditation can truly help fill the gaps in between. 

Keep things interesting by adding a planner or changing the formats. Mindfulness meditation for students, especially Gen Z students, relates to aesthetics so make sure to associate mindfulness meditation with something visually appealing. Get a diffuser to make meditation more relaxing, or a sound machine that helps introduce relaxing nature sounds to help your teen meditate. Get a gratitude journal for your child where they truly can practice mindfulness and appreciate the small things in life! 

Mindfulness meditation for students does not have to be hard! There are many apps available that can provide you with just the resources you need to help you host a meaningful session with your kids or students. Apps like Headspace and Calm are helping people all around the world deal with their anxiety and are acting like a very useful meditation app that provides guided meditation tracks for all ages and comfort levels!

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