
Bookmark This: Definitive List Of The First Books For Your Kids

Reading, listening and learning are not just formative activities for your kids, but excellent for brain development and should be encouraged as early as possible. The first books for your kids should help your children sound out the words, develop an ear for phonetic sounds and be able to form their first sentences and words. When buying your kid’s first books, it is important to introduce gender-neutral language from a very young age, as language does form our perceptions. Introducing gender-neutral and socially aware concepts in a manner that toddlers and young ones can understand is a great way for your kids to be socially aware from an early age. This is the definitive list of first books that you should get your kids! 


Jungle Animals– Take your kids on a fascinating jungle adventure with this book! As your kids begin to start recognizing and naming animals, this book can help them to remember the various names and patterns to distinguish between various birds and animals. Your child can explore the jungle to discover a colorful and vibrant range of birds, meet the various royal members of the cat family, see how orangutan leaps from one tree to the other for food. This book is filled with the most stunning and vibrant pictures of wildlife that provide a closer peek for Level 1 readers at ur stunning natural habitat. It has short, crisp sentences with frequently used words perfect for toddlers who are just beginning to read! 


Clara and Clem in Outer Space– When it comes to building your child’s imagination and creativity, you can never go wrong with this book. It is important to validate your child’s outlandish imaginations as it adds to their creative outlook which is great for the brain and cognitive development. You should encourage your children to look out of the box and come up with creative scenarios and solutions to anything that comes their way. This book is a perfect example of that! It is a selection from the Clara and Clem series, where the two characters go out on crazy adventures together to discover new things and places. In this book, Clara and Clem build a robot out of blocks that soon takes them to outer space- they see planets, stars, meet aliens, and even visit Mars! 


Go Dog Go– This is a great book for toddlers and young kids alike! This is because the illustration in the book comes in different bright colors that will help in sensory stimulation from the contrast, along with the addition of new words and sentences for kids who are just starting to read. A book that has been around for over 50 years now, there’s a reason why it is so universally loved! Featuring all kinds of dogs, big dogs, small dogs, red dogs, blue dogs, busy dogs and so much more- this book is truly a learning and fun experience for both you and your kids! 


Ten Apples Up On Top–  A classic kid’s book by Dr. Seuss who is universally renowned to create and illustrate books for young kids that are both engaging and fun! In this book, three fun animal friends try balancing apples on their heads which is a great and fun way to introduce counting to your kids. Numbers can be overwhelming but not with Dr. Seuss as in this book, there is a fun way in which the authors have incorporated the counting system in the story. Kids learn to count from one to ten in this book in a fun way that they might want to repeat over and over again! 


Max Finds An Egg– The great thing about reading and listening is that kids learn important problem-solving techniques that help build their cognitive learning. Understanding different fundamental processes like the hatching of an egg, building a house, water cycle, photosynthesis are important to build their cognitive learning as it helps them to form patterns and to understand how life on earth works through the co-existence of various important natural and scientific processes. Max Finds An Egg is a great example of a book that can introduce the concept of a process to your kids in a fun and colorful way. Max has found a dinosaur egg, and in anticipation, he builds a nest, shines a light, and dances around the egg waiting for it to hatch. Follow Max’s journey with the egg in this fast-paced Level 1 book for kids! 

Visit Site- https://www.amazon.in/Jungle-Animals-Discover-Secrets-Readers/dp/0241225132/ref=sr_1_2?crid=217G6ZFB0OSQT&keywords=DK+readers+jungle+animals&qid=1643883294&sprefix=dk+readers+jungle+animal%2Caps%2C335&sr=8-2

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