
How to Make Summer Breaks More Meaningful for Kids

Summer breaks are coming close, which means endless days of fun, frolic, and laughter! Parents welcome this time with their kids as they are able to spend much more time with them, as the usual school week rules are tossed out! In these times, it is important to remember that summer breaks can also be an opportunity for your kids to discover new hobbies, sports and meet new people, and have new experiences that go beyond their scheduled tv time and video games. The pandemic surely has spoiled us all by confining us to our homes with the easy relief of streaming platforms and easily accessible entertainment that has made us all couch potatoes. But as the pandemic norms ease, and there is normalcy in sight, here are some ways to make summer breaks more meaningful for kids! 


Try a Sport– Physical exercise and the importance of sports early on are wildly ignored as we put more attention on academic pursuits. But, it is important to enroll your child in a sport early on for their physical and mental development. For young kids, a sport is an avenue where they achieve key physical milestones like hand-eye coordination, motor development, and mobility. Introduce swimming to toddlers as a way for them to not only exercise but also be involved in a potent sensory stimulation exercise. For young kids, sports are a way for them to understand the key values of teamwork and sportsmanship that allows them to become better people in the long run. Plus keeping active can help your children grow and achieve their physical milestones, and improve their height and their muscle strength. 


Summer Camp– Summer camps are an age-old method of getting kids to explore new interests and push them to become more adventurous and spirited. It also helps your child build their character and gives them a sense of independence. It is a way for them to develop their own identity away from the guidance of their parents. Whether it is an adventure camp, music camp, or anything, it helps your child make new friends and meet like-minded people their age which translates into lifelong friendships. 


Social Work– The pandemic made us all aware of the glaring income gap and our privilege. Take this summer to make your child understand the sensitive nature of the rest of the world that does get to live as they do. Encourage them to contribute to the society in any way they can, by tutoring a less privileged child for the summer, setting up cleaning drives in the neighborhood, organizing fundraisers to donate books and clothing to the neighborhood charities, and much more. Encourage kids to contribute to society in a way that they understand and want to! 


Online Courses– A very interactive way for your kids to learn new information and skills is to enroll them in online courses that teach them the necessary skills and information about the digital world. It is important for your child to understand cyber safety and digital health which is why teaching them to become better and empathetic digital citizens is truly great learning for the summer! 

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