
3 Outdoor Games Your Kids Must Try in the Summers

With winters gone, no more excuses for lazing around in bed, huddling under your favorite blanket. Summers bring with their exuberance and youthful fun and are synonymous with a ton of outdoor activities. As kids, we remember being whisked away to numerous summer camps, staying outside with friends, playing, and making lifelong memories that we still hold dear to our hearts. With summers here, it is time that we create the same kind of warm and fun environment for our children for lifelong memories. Summers in India can surely get sultry and tiring, but when done right and with some safety equipment handy, we can all make summers fun and exciting for our kids. Whether it is encouraging them to go outside and be active, or teaching them a new game, summers should be utilized to explore new environments. The month-long summer school break is the much-needed time for children to discover things beyond their schoolwork and video games! So, here are some outdoor games your kids must try in the summer- 


Twister- This beloved game that has been around for years is the perfect summer game for your kids to try. This game is specially tailored for young kids who might not enjoy a lot of physically demanding games in the heat. These hilarious games that require you to bend, twist and turn in different positions are done better outside, as it gives your children much more space and freedom to play as they please. What’s better, adults can also join in the fun with their kids and spend endless hours of pure fun making memories in the summer breeze. Get your Twister here


Water Volleyball-  One thing that serves as a respite for all of us is the pool during summers. Your kids may not take to running around in the heat well, but they surely would not pass up any time in the pool. Make things interesting by inviting all their friends for a fun game of pool volleyball, which has all the fun of normal volleyball, but the added difficulty of wading your way through the water to make things fun! Not only is this a game that will keep them engaged for hours, but it is a great form of exercise that will encourage your kids to stay active and fit during the summer! 


Paint Master- This game involves both outdoor fun and also creative exercises to keep your kids engaged. Make sure to use washable paints for this game to easily clean after it is over. It is a fairly simple game, best done outdoors for an added element of fun. Divide the kids into groups of two and give them an outside garage or wall to paint under a given time. Teammates have to switch and go back to the starting point every 30 seconds and have to paint a complete picture that will be assigned to them at the starting. The team that finishes the artwork first, wins. Not only is t a fun sports game, but it also teaches kids teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication as both the team members have to be in sync to finish the complete picture. For your washable, non-toxic paints, try Dabble for all your art needs! 


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