
5 Books On Travel That Your Teen Will Enjoy Reading

In the last year traveling became almost as fictional as our favorite books on adventure and exploring. These books have the ability to transport you in a world, fictional and real, and introduce you to varied cultures and experiences that help build a bodied perspective on life. Introducing travel books to your teenagers is important as kids their age are discovering new ideas and beliefs as well, and giving them a platform through books on travel truly helps in this crucial perspective-building age they are in. Keeping this in mind, here are 5 books on travel your teen will enjoy reading- 

Peak – Written by Roland Smith, this book is destined to transport your teen to a different world, as the readers follow the journey of a 14-year-olf Peak Marcello on his mission to become the youngest climber to surmount Mount Everest. In addition, his English teacher asks him to document his experiences in a notebook to make up for his schoolwork as he is away. A travel tale told from the unique perspective of a teen boy as he struggles to achieve his Goliath of a mission while dealing with his teenagehood. Told from Peak’s point of view, this is sure to strike a chord with your teen. 

The Girl From Everywhere- Written by Heidi Hilberg, this book is a delightful concoction of time travel, history, and exploring. Featuring a strong female lead in its plot, this is a great book for your teenager! This book is about the incredible life of Nix who having grown up on her father’s sailboat, is an experienced traveler at a young age. Through her voice, the author describes the joy and perils of exploring distant worlds through the eyes of Nix. There is also the question of the death of Nix’s mother in childhood and her father’s obsession to go back to the exact place and time where this tragedy befalls this family. A gritty and engaging, this book is a great choice for a travel novel! 

Around The World in 80 Days- This listicle would be remiss if this classic book on travel, adventure, and life wasn’t featured! A classic by Jules Verne, this book transports you to the 19th Century where Mr. Phileas Fogg must circumnavigate the Earth in 80 days to win a bet he placed at the Reform Club. As he departs from Lonon to India on a long but hasty ride across the world, he encounters people, cultures, and lifestyles he had no idea existed. Does he make it back on time and win the bet? This riveting read will definitely capture your teen’s interest!

WanderLove- A book was written by an adventure junkie, hiker, diver, and travel writer Kristen Hubbard, you know this book will be an exciting read for your teen. Written about 18-year-old Bria Sandoval’s quest to be a global vagabond and finds a like-minded Rowan who shares her spirit for adrenaline and re-invention. The reader follows the character’s vast travels across central and Southern America and features vivid descriptions about the landscapes that have the ability to transport your teen to unknown lands. 

Wanderlust- A forbidden romance, tales of sisterhood, and travel, this book has the right mixture of everything teens want from their stories! Written by Jen Malone, this book is about your average teenager Aubree from boring Ohio who is unexpectedly sent to Europe to help her older sister Elizabeth manage a tour throughout Europe. This book takes you through romantic Paris, sunny Italy, and many other charming European locales through the eyes of teen Aubree who ends up falling the tour company owner’s son- how do new experiences in love and travel affect Aubree, read this book to find out! 

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