
8 Ways In Which Kids Can Help Promote Eco-Friendly Living

As the conversation around climate change gets more and more pronounced, it is time we start including our children in this discussion and empower them to fight for a safer world. Kids need to be more cognizant of their contribution to waste and pollution and should be apprised of the critical situation our planet is in. Recycling, mindful consumption of electricity and water, and other ideas like these should be introduced at a younger age so that kids internalize the fact the resources that we take for granted aren’t as abundant as we take them to be. Climate change can be a tricky concept, here’s what we suggest you can promote eco-friendly living for kids.

Mindful Consumption of Electricity- We are all guilty of leaving the fan, lights, and computer on when they are not in use, but as we are more aware of this waste, make this a point to switch off all lights and appliances that are not in use. Due to zoom school and multiplicity of devices at our disposal, we often leave these devices on charge for a long amount of time, which not only leads to battery deterioration of the device but also wastes a huge amount of electricity. Also, once you are done charging or using an appliance be sure to unplug all the devices. Make sure your kids understand that the repercussions of not mindfully using these limited resources. To explain the limited nature of fossil fuels, we recommend using online videos like this one to seamlessly get the idea across. 

Gardening- Gardening is a great hands-on activity for your kids. It forces them to get out and work with their hands, and taking care of plants and growing small fruits can give them an added sense of accomplishment that boosts their confidence. This is a much more eco-friendly option than spending hours on end on computers, video games or even going out on long drives which consume a lot of energy.  Gardening is also a great tool for self-development as your teens get to hold and feel proud of something that they have grown on their own. Introduce them to gardening by starting small by keeping some house plants at home, and then start encouraging them to grow produce or flowers in your backyard or kitchen garden! It is a great way for them to start appreciating nature, as they get more involved in taking care of house plants and getting to know the amazing way in which nature works to promote a healthy environment!

Gentler Products- A great habit to inculcate in kids is to use zero-waste products or use products that are gentler on the government.  Get them to switch to bamboo toothbrushes, instead of their plastic ones. Get them to carry a cloth bag and reuse it as much as they can, instead of always getting stuff back from shops in plastic bags. 

Cycling- An activity that is good for the environment and your kid’s health? Get them to cycle! Cycling is a great cardio exercise, it is fun too, as your kids can go out on group bike rides with their friends. Get them to bike short distances, instead of calling for a cab or using the car. Encourage them to bike to markets or school, if it is within a short distance. 

Compost, Compost, Compost!- Composting can be a great activity to introduce to your kids. The great part about this is that compost bins can be made at home, and you can use the compost to enrich your house plants or succulents at home. Involve your kids in this activity, get your kids’ hands dirty and educate them about the purpose of composting. This is also a great way to inculcate the mindset of no waste or limited waste, as composts are usually made from leftover food scraps. Check out this starter composting kit, and compost bin that is kid-friendly! 

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle- The 3 Rs! Kids need to be educated on the three Rs, now more than ever.  Educate your kids on the dangers of too much indulgence when it comes to clothes and toys- due to the toll on the environment. A great way to make re-using fun is to have a fashion show at home. If your kid is pleading for new clothes but doesn’t really need them, have a fashion show at home, where you ask them to use their clothes and style them in an innovative way. This encourages them to actually recognize the fact that buying clothes and other things may be an unnecessary impulse more than anything. 

Participate in Green Drives- Volunteering in eco-friendly causes is such an important and effective way to help your child imbibe a love for nature in their lives. You can ask your kids to get their friends for this activity.  With organized groups, your kids can go on a planting drive with their friends where they meet a target of planting a set number of trees by the year or the month. This is a great way in which they can contribute to the environment, as they are not just helping nature, but future generations, by ensuring that there is clean air and reduced pollution in the days to come.

Be Mindful During The Festive Season- During the festive season, we tend to let loose and indulge in activities that harm the environment- like bursting crackers, plastic waste, etc. Make sure that your kids recognize that caring for the environment applies to all situations and times. Get your kids to do a clean-up drive of the locality after a festive event, get them to encourage others to not burst crackers during Diwali. Educate your kids on how to be mindful during the festive season- by encouraging them to plant trees during the auspicious occasions!

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