
At Home Workouts Your Teens Will Enjoy

Teens can get bogged down with studies and leisure time so they might be scrolling away on their phones with little or no movement! As teens grow older, it is important as parents that we introduce exercise as a part of their daily routine. This is because they are going through important bodily and emotional changes that need emotional and physical support that can come from exercise. More than that, it also reduces negative mental health outcomes during adolescence due to the release of endorphins- your body’s natural happy response! With the pandemic, it is right to feel hesitant to send your kids to gyms and open recreational centers- so here are some at-home workout ideas that your kids can try to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle!

Weight Training- This is a controversial topic that needs to be addressed. Do teens need weight training? Before we answer that question, let us bust some myths first. Most often, parents think that weight training for kids can stunt their growth- this is not true! According to this peer-reviewed research article– ‘Experimental training protocols with weights and resistance machines and with supervision and low instructor/participant ratios are relatively safe and do not negatively impact growth and maturation of pre-and early-pubertal youth.’ It is safe to introduce weight training to your teens, just make sure that they are getting the right guidance from you! Use light weights for your teen’s workout routine and then when they get better you can introduce more resistance. Weight training also leads to healthy weight management, improved growth, and muscle strength, all of which are important for your teen’s health. There are a plethora of beginner-friendly weight workouts- like this channel that helps teens work out with weights at home! 

Pilates- Along with strength training it is also especially important that you guide your child in making their muscles and joints more flexible. Pilates is a wonderful way to start that off. It virtually uses no equipment or weights at the beginner level and can be easily done at home. Pilates can be done by any and everyone- you will just have some free time and an exercise mat! It is a great bodyweight muscle strengthening exercise that is perfect for beginners! Check this video out for a great beginner pilates workout for your teen! 

Dance Workouts- This is by far the best way to get your kids off their couch to break a sweat! The Fitness Marshall is a great YouTube Channel that makes fun, easy, and elaborative 4-minute dance routines on popular songs! Your kids will love this channel as they can relate to popular songs and jive with the host that breaks down every move to make it simple! Further, every video has moves for a beginner and advanced level, so it is a perfect exercise for any level of expertise. This can also be a family affair, so you and your kids can jive together for a sweaty workout routine at home! 

Yoga- An excellent way to make exercise fun and effective for teens is to include activities like yoga in your teen’s routine! Check out this popular channel called Cosmic Kids Yoga for the perfect way to introduce an age-old ayurvedic miracle that is perfect as an exercise! They are in the perfect timed range- anywhere from 10-30 minutes of fun videos that include characters from popular teen shows and movies! What’s more, it has meditation, mindfulness routines, and relaxation techniques to help your teens wind down after an exciting yoga session!

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