
Did You Know? These Foods Must Not Be Introduced to Children Under the Age of 1

Right from the moment that a baby is born, parents spend every waking moment securing the safety and the needs of their infants, even compromising on their own sleep and wellness for their babies. New parents are often given truckloads of unsolicited advice from every corner from conception to birth! It is encouraged that a parent finds their own rhythm and place with their identity as a new parent before anything else. However, there are some strict No-nos that come with feeding toddlers that every parent should abide by for medical reasons. Babies are still growing and their organs are delicate, unable to digest anything beyond the recommended solid feeds that are introduced at 6 months for starting the weaning process. One might be tempted to introduce a variety of foods to their children when they start weaning off, but make sure to steer clear of the following foods to keep your baby safe and healthy! 


Honey- Honey might seem harmless on the surface, but it is a MUST avoid for infants under a year old. Any kids of honey whether it is raw or cooked should be avoided as it is very bad for infants. Honey contains a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum, which can produce botulinum spores that can be toxic to children. These spores contain harmful materials that secrete toxins and can lead to a wide variety of illnesses. Muscle weakness, crying, constipation, muscle weakness, loss of tone, and in worst cases- paralysis in young infants. An infant does not have a strong stomach at that age to fight off spores and toxins. 


Cow’s Milk- Do not introduce any form of animal milk to your kids before their first birthday. Stick to your trusted formula or breast milk, and consult your pediatrician before you introduce any sort of dairy product to your children. Kids under the age of 1 do not have a strong intestinal system that can digest all the enzymes and proteins that are found in milk. Certain substances and minerals can also cause significant damage to your baby’s kidney. Caution should be exercised to not just milk, but also milk products. Formula and breast milk have all the nutrients a baby needs for growth. 


Eggs- Any form of egg products or raw egg whites are a complete no-no with babies. It is recommended not to introduce eggs to kids under one as it might trigger an allergic reaction in the future. Egg yolks are rarely any cause of allergens but the baby’s intestines are not prepared to digest the proteins in the egg whites. Once your baby reaches the age of 18 months and more, it is probably okay to start introducing eggs to them only after consulting with your pediatrician. 


Citrus- DO avoid feeding your child any citrus fruits if they are not 1 yet. Citrus fruits and juices are high in Vitamin C and are acidic which might trigger an upset stomach and causes acid reflux. 


Seafood- As the child is young, a lot of their allergen history is not known or present. Potential allergen foods like seafood and shellfish might trigger an unwanted reaction so it is best to avoid them till the baby reaches a certain age. Before introducing any type of fish- even mackerel or tuna, discuss this with your pediatrician before including them in your baby’s diet. 

Wheat- Try to avoid including gluten as much as you can till your child is about 2 or even three years old. If you have decided to introduce wheat early, check with your pediatrician first before you try out any sort of new food group. Once your baby reaches the age of 1 and does not react to rice, oats, or barley, then it is probably okay to introduce wheat to your baby.

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