
Online Classes Are Here To Stay Here Are Your Home Schooling Essentials

We’re now at a time where online classes are the norm, not the exception, or a phase. It can be quite strenuous for children to spend so much of the day in front of a screen. Parents are constantly looking for tips to make the experience of the new normal classroom smooth. We round up some must-haves for your kids – from stationery to computer accessories, here is everything they need for online classes:

1. Noise-cancelling headphones

With everyone working from home, there are chances of disruptions and distractions. These Boult wireless noise-cancelling headphones are a reasonably-priced pair that help kids focus during online classes.

2. Vertical mouse

This is a helpful tip for kids who are learning online: switch up the regular mouse with a vertical mouse, which is much easier on the wrists and can avoid long lasting damage to muscles.

3. Back Rest Cushion

Sitting for hours in one position can cause discomfort and back problems and pain. To avoid such inconveniences, try a backrest cushion. This one comes with memory foam, and helps gently align your spine to give you the right posture. It’s washable, and reduces stress and fatigue.

4. Planner

A planner like this one is a great way for kids to organize their classes, notes, learning, and homework. Now having a greater responsibility for their time, kids have to learn how to manage tasks.

5. Rubiks’ cube

Kids should exercise their minds offline, too. A Rubik’s Cube is the perfect toy for just that – engaging them in constructive play, they have to work with their hands and think to solve the puzzle. Convenient to have on their study table, it can be picked up between breaks – a good way to reset.

6. Table Lamp

Most online classes require kids to keep their video on. If the room is not well lit naturally, we definitely recommend investing in a table lamp, like this one from Philips. It’s important to keep your child’s study area brightly lit, as poor lighting affects the mood and also has practical inconveniences.

7. Pin Board

Kids might miss the atmosphere of a physical classroom and begin to find their current designated room for online learning dull. A pin board works as a good motivator, as well as a tool for children to see things visually – be it timetables or material related to their curriculum. Get kids to regularly update their pinboards, and make the learning environment fun.

these are few essentials that required for kids to attend their online classes. For more Kids Lifestyle related articles please visit Windmill Live Lifestyle category.

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